Ishura (Japanese: 異修羅) is a Japanese light novel series written by Keiso. It originated on the novel posting websites Kakuyomu and Shōsetsuka ni Narō, before being acquired by ASCII Media Works, who published the series with illustrations by Kureta under their Dengeki no Shin Bungei imprint. As of December 2024, ten volumes have been released. A manga adaptation with illustrations by Meguri began serialization in Kodansha's Monthly Shōnen Magazine in March 2021. As of June 2024, its chapters have been collected into four tankōbon volumes. An anime television series adaptation produced by Passione and Sanzigen aired from January to March 2024. A second season is set to premiere in January 2025.
The demon king is dead. However, the host of "Shuras", demi-god-like people capable of felling him, remain and are now effectively free to do whatever they want, with some becoming conquerors while others wander, indifferent to the world around them. Thus, with the identity of the one who slew the demon king being a mystery, these champions now spark conflicts among themselves, all to determine who is the mightiest and attain the title of "True Hero".
Soujiro the Willow-Sword (柳の剣のソウジロウ, Yanagi no Tsurugi no Sōjirō)
A boy who was transported from another world. He is an unbelievably strong swordsman, capable of defeating an army by himself, who travels the world looking for worthy opponents. However, his extraordinary strength also makes him indifferent to ordinary people's struggles.
A mutant wyvern possessing an additional three arms with opposable fingers that allow him to wield weapons, making him unmatched in the air. Being from a naturally greedy species, he seeks ever greater wealth and glory.
A wyvern possessing a genius intellect who raised his flock into a powerful army. He has a strong bond with Curte, the adoptive daughter of the New Principality of Lithia's governess, prompting him to lend the city-state his forces and serve it as its finest general.
A young elf wizard of immeasurable power, capable of altering reality with her words alone. However, having been born and raised within the elven community all her life, she is very naive regarding the outside world, unaware that her mentor, Elea, is using her for her own ends.
Nihilo the Vortical Stampede (濫回凌轢ニヒロ, Rankai Ryōreki Nihiro)
A revenant created by a demon lord. She used to be held captive by Aureatia until she accepted a plea deal: her freedom in exchange for aiding in the nation's war against the New Principality of Lithia.
A mandrake gladiator hired by the New Principality of Lithia. Though a monster and a skilled killer, renowned for his endless string of victories in the arena, he is mell-mannered and speaks politely.
Kuze the Passing Disaster (通り禍のクゼ, Tōri-ka no Kuze)
A paladin seeking to revive his dying order by working dangerous missions as an assassin. In reality, however, his powers entirely stem from his angelic partner, Nastique, who is the actual Shura rather than him.
Nastique the Quiet Singer (静かに歌うナスティーク, Shizuka ni Utau Nasutīku)
Kuze's angelic partner and the source of his powers, invisible to anyone but him. She is the actual Shura between them and holds authority over death itself, immediately killing anyone who threatens him regardless of strength.
Ranked as the sixth general. A military general within the Aureatia Kingdom's military. He has a close yet strained relationship with Alus, having saved the mutant wyvern when he was young but later growing to regret this after learning of the latter's exploits.
Kia's mentor who is teaching her to control her abilities. In truth, however, she is Aureatia's seventeenth official, being head of the nation's spy network, and plans to use her protégé's talents to advance her political agenda. However, as they spend more time together, she slowly grows to genuinely care for her.
The governess of Lithia and formerly the twenty-third general of Aureatia. Following pleas from her people for their city to become independent, she defected and began gathering powerful allies in preparation for a war for secession. In the end, her rebellion is squashed and Kuze and Nastique kill her.
Taren's blind adoptive daughter who shares a close relationship with Regnejee, unaware that he is a wyvern due to her disability. She is inadvertently killed by Alus when she is hit by the same attack that killed Regnejee, learning of his true nature in her final moments but accepting him regardless.
An intelligence agent working for the New Principality of Lithia by recruiting powerful allies. In reality, however, she is a double agent working for Aureatia, relaying information back to them. She is also an acquaintance of Elea and is killed by her after she learns of Kia's existence.
Yuno the Distant Talon (遠い鉤爪のユノ, Tōi Kagizume no Yuno)
A former inhabitant of the Nagan Labyrinth City, which was destroyed by golems. Despite being saved by Soujiro, she greatly resents his apathy toward the weak and offers to guide him around the world in hopes of finding someone who can kill him, though she gradually lets go of her hatred as their journey goes on.
A self-proclaimed Demon King who created Mestelexil the Box of Desperate Knowledge.
Light novels
The series is written by Keiso. It originated as a web novel published on the Kakuyomu novel website on June 30, 2017.[14] It then appeared on the Shōsetsuka ni Narō website as well on July 2, 2017.[15] It was later acquired by ASCII Media Works, who published the series under their Dengeki no Shin Bungei imprint.[16] The first volume was released on September 17, 2019.[17] As of December 2024, ten volumes have been released.[18]
In September 2021, Yen Press announced that it had licensed the series for an English publication,[19] releasing the first volume on May 3, 2022. Its imprint Yen Audio began to release an English audiobook of the novel on October 10, 2023. It features the voices of Chris Guerrero and Emily Bauer.[20]
A manga adaptation, illustrated by Meguri, began serialization in Kodansha's Monthly Shōnen Magazine on March 5, 2021.[38] As of June 2024, the individual chapters have been collected into four tankōbon volumes.[39]
An anime television series adaptation was announced on February 12, 2023.[2] It was produced by Passione and directed by Yuki Ogawa, with chief direction by Takeo Takahashi, assistant direction by Takuya Asaoka, Fujiaki Asari, Takahiro Majima and Hironori Aoyagi, scripts written by Kenta Ihara, characters designed by Yoko Kikuchi and Yuka Takashina, music composed by Masahiro Tokuda, and CG animation produced by Sanzigen.[8] The series aired from January 3 to March 20, 2024, on Tokyo MX and other networks.[43] The opening theme song is "Shura ni Otoshite" (修羅に堕として, lit.'Falling into the Carnage') performed by Sajou no Hana, while the ending theme song is "Hakka" (白花, lit.'White Flower') performed by Konomi Suzuki.[10] The series is streaming on Disney+ (via Star) worldwide, on Star+ in Latin America, and on Hulu in United States.[4]
Following the airing of the final episode, a second season was announced.[44] The season is set to premiere on January 8, 2025.[13] The opening theme song is "True Peak" performed by Mayu Maeshima, while the ending theme song is "The Iolite" performed by Sajou no Hana.[45]
Chiriuchi Taniguchi from Real Sound [ja] offered the series praise, specifically stating it has a great cast of characters and unique storytelling.[48]
In the Kono Light Novel ga Sugoi! guidebook, the series ranked first in the tankōbon in 2021, receiving the most votes for any series in the history of the guidebook.[49]
See also
Demon Lord 2099, another light novel series illustrated by the same artist