"Invisible" is a song by Swedish singer Zara Larsson for the soundtrack to the 2019 Netflix original animated film Klaus. It was written by Larsson, Justin Tranter, Alfonso González Aguilar, Caroline Pennell and Jussi Karvinen, the latter was the one who produced it. The single was released on November 8, 2019, and the official music video was released on November 15 of the same year.[1]
"Invisible" is a popballad written by Larsson and Justin Tranter, who were assisted by Jussifer y Caroline Pennell. Zara described the song as "beautiful" and his "message of kindness speaks perfectly to the message of Klaus. I think it can inspire all of us to be a little compassionate to one another".[2]
Tranter says "that director Sergio Pablos told them the theme of Klaus, and showed them parts of the storyboard. After this, Tranter began writing lyrics with a focus on that theme. Pablos wanted the song to have traditional Scandinavian influences, so Tranter worked with a Scandinavian producer to achieve the desired sound".[3]