A supernaturally gifted monk, "Panasonic" (Kiro Wehara), is sent on a mission by his dying master, "General Electric," to protect the Interzone, the last fertile region left on a post-apocalyptic Earth, against an invading gang of wasteland raiders.
Along the way, Panasonic is helped by Swan (Bruce Abbott), a roguish road warrior who seeks a rumored treasure hidden within the Interzone, and Tera (Beatrice Ring), an attractive slave girl, whom Swan falls in love with. The raiders meanwhile are led by Mantis (Teagan Clive), a female bodybuilder dominatrix and her sadistic partner Balzakan (John Armstead).
After the defeat of the raiders, Swan locates the treasure which is revealed to be a fallout shelter turned archive of some of mankind's greatest achievements. Within are various items such as books, sculptures and paintings, along with a Panasonic-brand videocassette recorder that plays a final message from those who preserved the artifacts before the apocalypse.