Deepak Chopra's India Authentic is a series of one-shot comic books from Virgin Comics which re-tell the iconic myths and legends of India for a global audience. The series has been created by Deepak Chopra (with Saurav Mohapatra),[1] who also presents the foreword for each issue. The first five issues were collected as the 'Book of Shiva'. The next will likely be collected as a 'Book of Vishnu'.
This issue tells the story of Narasimha, the fourth incarnation of Vishnu, who defended the people of Earth against a demon overlord.
Issue #7: Yama
This issue tells the story of Yama, the lord of death, who rules over the underworld Naraka.
Issue #8: Garuda
This issue tells the story of Garuda, the mighty Eagle-headed god, the Avian warrior.
Issue #9: Kartikkeya
This issue tells the story of Kartikkeya, also called Murugan, the son of Shiva and Uma
Issue #10: Parshuram
This issue tells the story of Parashurama Bhargava, and his vendetta against the kings.
Issue #11: Hanuman
from the pages of Ramayana, the story of the mighty warrior Hanuman
Issue #12: Andhaka
Issue #13: Lakshmi
Issue #14: Saraswati
Issue #15: Krishna
Issue #16: The Saffron Princess
Created by: Deepak Chopra Written by: Yogesh Chandekar Art & Cover by: Virgin Studios When Prince Gulfaam rescues a huge, feral black panther, little does he know that he's on the brink of an unseen world where animals talk and a forgotten kingdom lies hidden deep in the woods. And it is here that fate will bring him face to face with the love of his life - the fabled 'Saffron Princess'. But what is love without a little peril? Ror the Saffron Princess has fallen prey to the evil schemes of a seasoned crook. And it is now up to Prince Gulfaam and his feline friend to foil the diabolical plan.