The story revolves around Hina and Sameer who love each other and marry. After their marriage, the test of their relationship starts when Hina births a girl with Down Syndrome. Due to the birth of a child who is not as normal as others, Sameer's mother does not like Hina and due to her interference she has to leave Sameer's house. Hina than starts living in her mother's house where she brings up her daughter Khushi, alone.
In October 2016, it reported that Tooba Siddiqui will make her television comeback with Saji Gul's script about Down's Syndrome. She shared to DAWN Images that "My character's a woman who has a child suffering from Down's sundrome. Different events in her life have strained her relationship with her family and friends."[4][5] Director Mazhar Moin said in an interview that many of the actors rejected the serial due to not being a mainstream media project.[6]
Along with a few television series of the series, DAWN Images said it as a serial of the year with different story from the others.[7]
The series had mostly the ratings of 4–6TRPs.[8][9][10][11]