Ilona Durigo (13 May 1881 – 25 December 1943) was a Hungarian classical contralto and an academic voice teacher. She appeared internationally, mostly in concert, singing Lieder and oratorios. She is known for singing Lieder that Othmar Schoeck composed for her, and is regarded as one of the leading concert contraltos of her era.
In 1912, Durigo first performed with Othmar Schoeck, and in 1913 she entered his social circle and they became friends. Durigo fell in love with Schoeck, but her feelings were not returned, and in any event she was by then married to the Hungarian pianist Osman Kasics. Her relationship with Schoeck was at times turbulent, but Durigo soon became the best-known interpreter of his work, and in later life he stated that she was the finest singer of his songs he had found.[4]
Her many collaborations with Schoeck included his settings of poems by Hesse.[1] The reviewer of her recital in Bern on 23 March 1915, with Schoeck as the pianist, in the Berner Tagblatt praised her differentiated expression of emotions and the accord with the pianist:
Frau Durigo sang diese und alle anderen Lieder (mit der Zugabe waren es 19) ... mit tiefster Empfindung. Ihr eigenes Erleben dieser Lieder äusserte sich nicht allein in den musikalischen Vortragsdifferenzierungen (so wunderzart, poesieverklärte Töne, wie die ihres Kopfregisters, hörte man vorher von keiner Sängerin), sondern auch im zu- und abnehmenden Glanz ihrer Augen, dieses wahren Seelenspiegels. Und dass ihre Interpretation durchwegs das vom Komponisten Empfundene zutreffend erfasste, bewies die vollkommene Harmonie ihres herrlichen Gesanges mit Schoecks eigenartig schönem Klavierspiel.[5]
Frau Durigo sang these and all other songs (with those added there were nineteen) ... with the deepest sensitivity. Her own experience of the songs shone through, not only in the musical differences of enunciation (such wonderfully fine, such poetry-transfigured tones of the head−voice were never heard before from any singer), but also in the sparkle of her eyes, the true mirror of the soul, as it came and went. And the perfect harmony between her splendid singing and the exceptionally beautiful piano playing of Schoeck showed that her interpretation throughout captured the intentions of the composer.
^Othmar Schoeck: Life and Works; by Chris Walton – University Rochester Press, 2009 – (Eastman Studies in Music; Volume 65), ISBN9781580463003, p. 48
^Hermann Hesse und Othmar Schoeck, der Briefwechsel; ed. by Chris Walton and Martin Germann. – Kulturkommission Kanton Schwyz, Schwyz 2016. – (Schwyzer Hefte, vol. 105), ISBN978-3-909102-67-9, pp. 34–35