Daiga (Yekaterina Golubeva), a woman from Lithuania, immigrates to Paris with little money but hopes to secure herself a job as an actor. When her plans fall through, she begins work as a maid in the hotel of a friend of her great-aunt.
At the same time Theo (Alex Descas) is embroiled in a fight with his wife, as he wants to leave for Martinique with their young son while she wants to remain in Paris. He is infrequently visited by his brother, Camille.
Meanwhile, the city is on edge because of a series of violent murders that have targeted elderly women living alone. The murders are being committed by Camille and his lover. The two live in the hotel run by Daiga's employer.
Eventually Daiga begins to follow Camille around. She figures out that he is the murderer after spotting a police sketch of his face. After breaking into his room, she finds a bag of cash and steals it, leaving abruptly to go back to Lithuania.
Camille is spotted by police after one of his victims recovers enough to give a description of him. Theo is brought to the police station for questioning but insists that, far from having anything to do with the murders, he remained unaware of what his brother was doing the entire time.