The IEEE Nikola Tesla Award is a Technical Field Award given annually to an individual or team that has made an outstanding contribution to the generation or utilization of electric power. It is awarded by the Board of Directors of the IEEE. The award is named in honor of Nikola Tesla. This award may be presented to an individual or a team.
The award was established in 1975, and its first recipient was Leon T. Rosenberg, who was given the award in 1976 "for his half-century of development and design of large steam turbine driven generators and his important contributions to literature." The actual award is a plaque and honorarium.
For contributions to advanced high-power density electrical machinery and high-temperature, super-conducting technology applications
2022 - Peter W. Sauer, Grainger Chair Emeritus Professor of Electrical Engineering, University of Illinois, Urbana, Illinois, USA
For contributions to dynamic modeling and simulation of synchronous generators and for leadership in power engineering education.
2021 - Zi-Qiang Zhu, Professor, Department of Electronic and Electrical Engineering, University of Sheffield, Sheffield, South Yorkshire, United Kingdom
For contributions to the design, modeling, control, and application of ac permanent magnet machines and drives.
For contributions to bearingless and reluctance motors.
2019 - Tomy Sebastian, Director; Motor Drive Systems, Halla Mechatronics, Bay City, Michigan, United States
For contributions to the design and application of high-performance permanent magnet synchronous machines to electric power steering
2018 - Longya Xu, Professor, The Ohio State University, Columbus, Ohio, USA
For contributions to design and control of efficient electric machines for wind power generation and electrified vehicles.
2017 - Adel Razek, Senior Research Director (Emeritus) and Professor (Honorary), The National Center for Scientific Research CNRS and CentraleSupelec, Gif Sur Yvette, France
For contributions to coupled multiphysics modeling and design of electromagnetic systems.
2016 - Bruno Lequesne, President, E-Motors Consulting, LLC, Menomonee Falls, Wisconsin, USA
For contributions to the design and analysis of actuators, sensors, and motors for automotive applications.
For contributions to the design, analysis and optimization of permanent magnet machines and for advancing their utilization in the automotive industry.
For pioneering and outstanding contributions to transient finite element computation of electric machines coupled to electronic circuits; and to electro-mechanical devices.
2003 - Austin H. Bonnett, Retired-Vice President Technology Emeritus, Emerson Electric, Elec Apparatus Service Association (EASA), Natitional Electric Manufacturers Association (NEMA), Electric Power Research Institute (EPRI), and United States Department of Energy and Affiliates (DOE)
For leadership in the development and application of design standards, maintenance technology, and operating practices to optimize induction motor performance.
For contributions to the theoretical analysis, design, and construction of high performance rotating electric machinery, including superconducting turbogenerators.
Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, "Past to present : a century of honors : the first hundred years of award winners, honorary members, past presidents, and fellows of the Institute / the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Inc.". New York, IEEE Press, c1984. ISBN0-87942-177-0