2022 documentary television series
Hostages Genre Docuseries Directed by Joshua Bennett Maro Chermayeff Jeff Dupre Abbas Motlagh Sam Pollard No. of seasons1 No. of episodes4 Production companies Network HBO Max Release 28 September 2022 (2022-09-28 )
Hostages is a HBO documentary series directed by Joshua Bennett, Maro Chermayeff, Jeff Dupre, Abbas Motlagh and Sam Pollard . The series was released worldwide on 28 September 2022 by HBO Max .[ 1]
The four-part series explores events of the 1979 Iranian revolution and the 1979–81 Iran hostage crisis , examining other dimensions of the crisis, like the U.S. role in the Middle East politics during the 70's, and its impact on 1980 U.S. presidential elections , as well as the aftermath of the Iranian revolution.[ 1] [ 2] [ 3]
Some footage used in the series were never seen before.[ 4]
The series consists of footage from Iranian revolutionaries, hostage-takers and other Islamic Republic officials, as well as interviews with involved people like Mohsen Sazegara , Abolhassan Banisadr , Masoumeh Ebtekar , and some of the hostages including Michael J. Metrinko, John W. Limbert , and Victor L. Tomseth .[ 2] [ 3] [ 5]
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1970s debuts 1980s debuts 1990s debuts 2000s debuts 2010s debuts 2020s debuts