The history of Rhodes under the Order of Saint John lasted from 1310 until 1522. The island of Rhodes was a sovereign territorial entity of the Knights Hospitaller who settled on the island from Kingdom of Jerusalem and from Cyprus, where they did not exercise temporal power. The first Grand Master was the Frenchman Foulques de Villaret (1305–1319).
After the extinction of the Kingdom of Jerusalem with the fall of Acre in 1291, the order sought refuge in the Kingdom of Cyprus. Finding themselves becoming enmeshed in Cypriot politics, their Master, Guillaume de Villaret, created a plan of acquiring their own temporal domain, selecting Rhodes to be their new home, part of the Byzantine Empire.
Due to repeated disagreements with the king of CyprusHenry II, which left the privileges of the Knights Hospitaller unaltered, Foulques de Villaret made the decision to transfer the Order to the nearby island of Rhodes which was under the formal authority of the Byzantine emperorAndronikos II Palaiologos. He then went to Avignon and Paris to ask for help and consent from Pope Clement V and King Philip IV of France. The pontiff approved the project and, without revealing the end of the mission, ordered the sending of new crusaders and in September 1308 a fleet of Genoese and Neapolitan ships set sail from Brindisi. The emperor had rejected the homage proposal made by Villaret and sent reinforcements to defend the island. The Knights repulsed them. On 15 August 1310, after over four years of campaigning, the city of Rhodes surrendered to the knights. They also gained control of a number of neighbouring islands and the Anatolian port of Halicarnassus and the island of Kastellorizo.
At Rhodes, the resident knights of each langue were headed by a baili. The English Grand Prior at the time was Philip De Thame, who acquired the estates allocated to the English langue from 1330 to 1358. In 1334, the Knights of Rhodes defeated Andronikos III Palaiologos and his Turkish auxiliaries. In the 14th century, there were several other battles in which they fought.[1]
In 1522, an entirely new sort of force arrived: 400 ships under the command of Sultan Suleiman the Magnificent delivered 100,000 men to the island[5] (200,000 in other sources[6]). Against this force the Knights, under Grand Master Philippe Villiers de L'Isle-Adam, had about 7,000 men-at-arms and their fortifications. The siege lasted six months, at the end of which the surviving defeated Hospitallers were allowed to withdraw to Sicily. Despite the defeat, both Christians and Muslims seem to have regarded the conduct of Phillipe Villiers de L'Isle-Adam as extremely valiant, and the Grand Master was proclaimed a Defender of the Faith by Pope Adrian VI.
Alessio Varisco Fides et Caritas. Il Beato Gherardo de' Saxo e i 900 anni dell'Ordine di San Giovanni di Gerusalemme di Rodi e di Malta (con catalogo delle decorazioni e gradi del Sovrano Militare Ordine di Malta e dell'Ordine pro Merito Melitensi civile e militare), Arcidosso, Effigi, 2013
Franco Baglioni, I cavalieri di Rodi, SEI, Torino 1954.
Eric Brockman, The Two Sieges of Rhodes: The Knights of St John at War 1480-1522, Barnes & Noble 1995.
Giulio Jacopi, Lo Spedale dei Cavalieri e il Museo Archeologico di Rodi, La Libreria dello Stato, Roma 1932.
Elias Kollias, I Cavalieri di Rodi. Il palazzo e la città, Ekdotike Athenon S.A., Atene 1991.
Luttrell, Anthony (1988). "The Hospitallers of Rhodes Confront the Turks, 1306–1421". In Gallagher, P. F. (ed.). Christians, Jews, and Other Worlds: Patterns of Conflict and Accommodation. New York and London: University Press of America. pp. 80–116.
Anthony Lutrell, The town of Rhodes 1306-1356, Rodi 2003.
Vassilia Petzsa-Tzounakou, Rodi la città dei Cavalieri, Bonechi, Firenze 1996.
Jean-Christian Poutiers, Rhodes et ses chevaliers, ESTC, Araya 1989.
Stephen C Spiteri, Fortresses of the Knights, Book Distributors Ltd, 2001
Carlo Trionfi, Il segno degli eroi. Storia dell'assedio di Rodi, Ceschina, Milano 1933.
Paulette Tsimbouki, Rodi l'isola dei fiori, Leonti, Pireo 1963.