Due to its trait course (formerly the entertainment activities course) and the physical education course for entertainers and athletes who have difficulty attending school full-time, Horikoshi High School has been attended by many Japanese celebrities.[1]
In April 1923, Chiyo Horikoshi, who had founded Wayo Sewing Girls' School, a predecessor of Wayo Women's University, established Horikoshi Girls' High School. The school was reorganized as Horikoshi Junior High School and Horikoshi High School in 1947; four years later, the school would be renamed Horikoshi Gakuen Educational Corporation under the Private Schools Act. The school became co-educational in 1957. During 1973, the 50th anniversary of the school's founding, the physical education course and entertainment activity courses were established. Horikoshi Junior High School was abolished in 1987.
Courses of study
There are four courses of study: further education and career selection course, physical education course, ikuei course, and trait course.
The further education and career selection course is for students aiming to advance to higher education, such as university or vocational school, or find employment. In the second year, the class is divided into two: a liberal arts class and a science class. Students attend Meisei University and Technos International College for one day each.
The physical education course is for students who want to be active in sports. Facilities are often shared with Eimeikan High School.
The ikuei course is for the education of gifted students. There are differences within course content in humanities, science, and mathematics courses, and the tuition fee is also different.
The trait course, formerly known as the entertainment activities course, is a course for those active in the professional world, such as singers, actors, and athletes. Students have more elective subjects and there is increased flexibility in the curriculum. If a student is unable to make up classes due to entertainment activities or other commitments, there are cases in which the school allows the student to be promoted to a higher grade or graduate without attending at all.
Student life
In 2021, a female former student, who was advised to voluntarily leave as she violated school rules prohibiting male–female relationships, filed a lawsuit against the school corporation seeking damages.[2] In November 2019, a meeting had been held regarding the relationship between the female student and a male student, third-year students at the time, and the student had been advised to voluntarily leave the school. Her university recommendation was also rescinded, so she voluntarily withdrew from the school and transferred to another high school. On November 30, 2022, the Tokyo District Court ordered Horikoshi High School to pay ¥980,000 in damages, stating that the recommendation to voluntarily withdraw without providing any educational guidance was unreasonable based on socially accepted principles. Regarding the school policy prohibiting male–female relationships, the court judged it to be reasonable and effective in allowing students to focus on their studies.[3]
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