American television series
Hope Island is an American drama series that originally aired on PAX TV from September 12, 1999, until April 3, 2000. It was based on Ballykissangel, a popular Irish drama created by Kieran Prendiville that aired on BBC One.
The series ran for 22 episodes, and focused on the residents of the fictional Hope Island, a small island off mainland Washington State (likely a part of the San Juan Islands though an island of the same name exists in the Case Inlet in the South Puget Sound) with a population of 1,998.
Hope Island revolves around the residents of the island.
Daniel Cooper, a newly ordained minister, is called to the island to fix up and restart an old church that has been empty and neglected for 30 years. Upon arriving, Daniel finds the situation is not quite what he expected it to be, and he struggles knowing if he should stay or not. However, the quirky residents of the island quickly grow on him, and he soon becomes an invaluable member of the community.
With a large ensemble cast, Hope Island is full of quirky and lovable characters. There's Alex Stone, the cynical local Widow's Walk Restaurant/Inn owner, and her son Dylan, who attends the Hope Island Elementary School. Town mayor Brian Brewster always has some outlandish scheme up his sleeve, and his mysterious side-kick Nub Flanders is always there to help. Ruby and Bonita (the mother and daughter who own the general store), haven't spoken to each other in 17 years. Daughter of the mayor, Molly Brewster is a lifelong island native, and her boyfriend Kevin Mitchum is the islands only police officer (who rarely deals with anything worse than a missing autographed picture). These are just a few of the many people on the island.
Hope Island explores an array of family-oriented themes including the challenges of raising children, maintaining a sense of family, love, greed, loyalty and fighting for ones faith and beliefs, among others.... The series boasts a rich and colorful cast of characters, whose grit and individuality lead to strong drama and whimsical comedy."[1]
The "Young Artist Awards" nominated[2] Hope Island for the following awards:
- Best Family TV Drama Series
- Best Performance in a TV Drama Series, Supporting Young Actor - Max Peters
The following episodes were recognized by "Prism Awards", (an organization that is "designed to recognize the accurate depiction of drug, alcohol, and tobacco use and addiction."[3])
- "Ships that Pass in the Night" - received a Prism Commendation
- "It Takes a Voyage to Learn" - received a Prism Certificate of Merit
External links