The Honda Fault extends through the Middle Magdalena Valley, close to the Magdalena River and the cities of Ambalema, Honda, and La Dorada. It offsets beds of the MioceneHonda Group, PlioceneMesa Formation, and Quaternary sediment in alluvial terraces. The fault trace is characterised by continuous prominent scarps, aligned drainages, fault saddles, linear ridges and valleys, sag ponds, degraded scarps, and localized uplifts. The southern half of the fault has a very low to low slip rate (less than 0.2 millimetres (0.0079 in) per year), while the northern half is low to medium at 0.2 to 1 millimetre (0.0079 to 0.0394 in) per year.[1]
Gómez Tapias, Jorge; Montes Ramírez, Nohora E.; Almanza Meléndez, María F.; Alcárcel Gutiérrez, Fernando A.; Madrid Montoya, César A.; Diederix, Hans (2015). Geological Map of Colombia. Servicio Geológico Colombiano. pp. 1–212. Retrieved 2019-10-29.