Hirosada II, also known as Sadahiro II, was a designer of ukiyo-eJapanese woodblock prints in Osaka. He was a student of Konishi Hirosada, and assumed the name “Hirosada” in 1853, when his teacher ceased designing prints. In the summer of 1864, Hirosada I died and his student changed his name, for a second time, from “Hirosada” (廣貞) to “Sadahiro” (貞廣).
Whereas the signature of Hirosada I is compact, Hirosada II signed his name in a large bold hand.
Keyes, Roger S., and Susumu Matsudaira, Hirosada, Ōsaka Printmaker, Long Beach, CA, University Art Museum, California State University, Long Beach, 1984, 16–17, 129–130.