Heather Hazel Angel MSc (née Le Rougetel, born 1941) is a British naturephotographer, author and television presenter. She is also the owner/ manager of a photographic agency which sells her pictures for use in print and on-line.
Her father was an RAF officer. Her mother is the garden-history author Hazel le Rougetel.[1]
She attended 14 schools in England and New Zealand, and then graduated in zoology from Bristol University, and, in 1964, married Martin Angel. She obtained her MSc in 1965. and developed a career as a nature photographer and author.[2]
In 1982/1983 she presented the Yorkshire Television produced, Channel 4-screened television series "Making the Most of…", which encouraged people to enjoy the British countryside.[citation needed] She wrote Heather Angel's Countryside to accompany the series.
Nature Photography: Its art and Techniques Fountain Press (1972), ISBN978-0-85242-670-8
Seashore life on Sandy Beaches : A fully illustrated introduction to some of their animal and plant inhabitants. Text and photographs by Heather Angel, Jarrold and Sons, (1975), ISBN0-85306-587-X
Monsters of the deep : sharks, giant squid, whales and dolphins, (Longmeadow Press), (1976), ISBN0-7064-0541-2
Life in the oceans : the spectacular world of whales, dolphins, giant squids, sharks and other unusual sea creatures, (London), (1976), ISBN0-7064-0541-2
Additionally, her pictures are all or a significant proportion of those in:
The Natural History of Britain and Ireland Michael Joseph, (1981). ISBN1-85052-064-X
''Distribution pattern analysis in a marine benthic community. Helgolander wiss. Meeresuntes, 15, pp 445–454 (written with Martin Angel, based on her MSc thesis)