In the 1980s Spode analysed the Nazileisure organization Strength Through Joy as a means of social politics in the Third Reich. In 1989 he launched the "study-group for tourism history", the first institution of its kind; in 1991 he published the worldwide first omnibus book in this field of research. In this connection, he stresses the romantic character of the tourist consumption and classifies tourist travel as "time travel aback" and, drawing on Reinhart Koselleck and Michel Foucault, the touristic space as a chronotope.[3][4] He has also worked on the history and structures of alcohol use and misuse,[5] including the phenomenon of addiction, which he sees as a physical-biological process and at the same time as a social construction that reflects the need for self-control in modern societies, an analytic dualism comparable to the wave-particle duality of light. His book on the Power of Drunkenness is held at least in 190 libraries.[6] Spode has also worked on labour disputes, tobacco consumption and other historical and political topics.
Selected works
Alkohol und Zivilisation (Alcohol and Civilisation), Berlin: Tara 1991.
Zur Sonne, zur Freiheit! Beiträge zur Tourismusgeschichte (Contributions to Tourism History), Berlin: Unikom 1991 (editor).
Statistik der Arbeitskämpfe in Deutschland (Statistics of Labour Disputes in Germany), St. Katharinen: Scripta Mercaturae 1992 (together with H. Volkmann et al.).
Die Macht der Trunkenheit (The Power of Drunkenness), Opladen: Leske & Budrich (Springer) 1993.
Goldstrand und Teutonengrill. Kultur- und Sozialgeschichte des Tourismus in Deutschland. 1945 bis 1989 (Social and Cultural History of Tourism in Germany), Berlin: Unikom 1996 (editor).
Voyage. Studies on Travel and Tourism, Köln/Berlin: DuMont/Metropol 1997-2014 (yearbook editor)
Wie die Deutschen Reiseweltmeister wurden (How the Germans became Travel World Champions), Erfurt: Landeszentrale für politische Bildung 2003.
Die Zukunftsfähigkeit Deutschlands (Germany's Sustainability), Berlin: Wissenschaftszentrum Berlin 2006.
Ressource Zukunft. Die sieben Entscheidungsfelder der deutschen Reform (Future as a Resource), Farmington Hills: Budrich 2008.
Urlaub - Macht - Geschichte. Reisen und Tourismus in der DDR (Travel and Tourism in the GDR), Berlin: BeBra 2022.