The film depicts a group of inhabitants living in Haida Gwaii, a remote archipelago off the Northwest coast of Canada. Recently named one of the "Must See Places in the World" by National Geographic, Haida Gwaii is widely regarded as one of the last and most pristine natural places on Earth.[5] It is also one of the only places in North America where natives actually outnumber (and out-vote) non-natives. For over 10,000 years, the Haida people have survived wildly fluctuating sea levels, climate change and natural disasters. The film profiles a unique community of individuals from both groups who are all striving in different ways to restore balance to the islands, turn their economy around, and build a sustainable culture for the next generation.
The film was received favourably by several film critics:
Marsha Lederman of The Globe and Mail called it a "spectacular-looking documentary" and wrote: "So much more than a profile of [Haida Gwaii] and the cast of characters who populate it, this film captures the heart and heartbreak of the clashes it has seen, primarily over logging".[8]
Adrian Mack of the Georgia Straight called it "a surprisingly ebullient (and spectacularly lensed)" film.[9]
Greg Klymkiw of Film Corner said the film "might well provide the most persuasive aesthetic argument to save these islands at all costs". He also wrote: "Hats off to Wilkinson for crafting a film which walks tall, yet softly and carries the big stick of our ultimate salvation, the environment itself and, of course, its people, the Haida."[10]
Jess Rogers of Matinee wrote "The genius of this movie... is that you see most of the sides of this people."[11]
At the 2016 Vancouver Film Critics Circle Awards, the film won three awards: best Canadian Documentary, Best British Columbia Film and Best Director of a British Columbia Film.[15]