Gyeonggi Science High School (GSHS, Korean: 경기과학고등학교), established in 1983 originally as a Science High school, is currently a science High school for the gifted in Suwon, South Korea. It was the first science high school established in South Korea, and was transformed into a science high school for the gifted, being one of the four in South Korea. It is the third been transformed from science high school to science high school for the gifted according to Gifted Education Promotion Law (Korean: 영재교육진흥법).
February 1, 2013: The first Graduation after modified to “Science Academy for the Gifted”.
Admission policy
Admission procedure consists of 4 steps. In the first stage of admission, student documents including an introduction, a recommendation, and a document demonstrating the student's potential. All applicants are accepted at this stage. At the second stage, students are tested to judge if he or she really are gifted. 2000 students are accepted here. At the third and final stage, they are either accepted or attend a camp. About 120 students are finally accepted.
It is consist of 139 credits of academic courses and 33 credits of research activities.
Academic courses (139)
General courses include 26 credits of necessary courses and 32 credits of selective courses.(58)
4 credits of liberal arts.(4)
Specialized courses include necessary course of 46 credits and selective courses of 31 credits.(77)
Research activities (33)
Self-directed Research(R&E) : 20 credits
Field research : 8 credits
Research for graduation : 5 credits
There are PT system, seasonal school system, and AP with various universities, such as KAIST, POSTECH, GIST, UNIST by MOU.
Graduation policy
To graduate from this school successfully, you have to fill in 4 criteria.