The Green Party of Alberta (GPA, French: Parti vert de l'Alberta) is a registered political party in Alberta, Canada, that is allied with the Green Party of Canada,[1] and the other provincial Green parties. The party was registered by Elections Alberta on December 22, 2011,[2][3][4] to replace the deregistered Alberta Greens, and ran its first candidates for office in the 2012 provincial election under the name Evergreen Party of Alberta. The party changed its name to "Green Party of Alberta" on November 1, 2012.[5]
Following a dispute of the leadership of the Alberta Greens in 2008, George Read withdrew as leader and Joe Anglin remained as interim leader. On April 1, 2009, the executive of the party failed to file an annual financial statement with Elections Alberta, as required by law, and was deregistered on July 16, 2009. Some of its members joined the Alberta Party and Wildrose Party, while others formed the Vision 2012 Society.[6]
The independent group, dedicated to green principles, formed the legal entity required by Elections Alberta to register a political party. An annual general meeting was held on June 25, 2011, in Red Deer to elect an executive, and to raise a petition asking Elections Alberta to register a new party.[7] The petition was signed by 8,500 people, more than the required 7,000,[8] and on December 22, 2011, the "Evergreen Party of Alberta" was registered. According to Elections Alberta rules, the party could not use a name used by another party until the name went unused for a general election.[9]
After contesting the 2012 general election under the Evergreen banner, the party voted at its annual general meeting, on September 29, 2012, to change its name to "Green Party of Alberta".[10] Elections Alberta approved the name change and it became effective 1 November 2012.[5]
The party bases its principles on the Charter of the Global Greens.[11] Those principles are: