The Green National Committee (GNC) is the central governing body of the Green Party of the United States. The committee is composed of over 150 delegates from every affiliated state party and recognized caucus. The GNC oversees all national party functions and elects a steering committee to oversee day-to-day operations.
Responsibilities of the committee include organizing annual meetings and the presidential nominating convention, developing a party platform, and coordinating campaigns from the local, state, and federal levels.
National Committee
The Green National Committee (GNC) serves as the decision-making body of the Green Party of the United States. It consists of 150 (+10) delegates, with additional delegates for party caucuses.[1][2]
The delegates serving on the GNC are not synonymous to the presidential nominating delegates elected to the Green National Convention (also known as GNC) of which consists greater than 2.5 times the number of delegates.
The steering committee is composed of seven co-chairs, acting as a collective executive, together with the secretary and treasurer. They are elected by the delegates who serve on the Green National Committee. The following are current and former officers of Green Party US.[3]
aAs of January 2021, the original GPAK is no longer affiliated to the GPUS, following disagreements with the national party during the 2020 presidential election bAs of July 2021, the original GGP is no longer affiliated to the GPUS, following disagreements over amendments passed in the GGP party platform cAs of December 2020, the original GPRI is no longer affiliated to the GPUS, following disagreements with the national party during the 2020 presidential election