1959 American TV series or program
Grand Jury is an American drama television series created by Mort Briskin. The series stars Lyle Bettger and Harold J. Stone. The series aired in syndication from November 21, 1959, to May 23, 1960.[1][2]
Episodes in this series dramatized files from the grand jury of Los Angeles. Ex-FBI agent Harry Driscoll and John Kennedy investigated cases for the grand jury.[3]
The series focused more on investigative activities than on activity in the courtroom. Targets of investigations included crime bosses, corrupt officials in prisons, and businessmen who profited at the expense of deaths of other people.[2]
Episodes were filmed in Hollywood at Desilu Studios, often with sets from RKO Radio Pictures, which had previously occupied the site.[2] Desilu Productions produced the series, which was distributed by National Telefilm Associates Inc. Ray Ellis wrote the theme, which was released in December 1959 by MGM Records.[4]
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