Gotham City Garage is a digital comic series published by DC Comics, and inspired by a DC collectibles statue line reimagining DC's female heroes as bikers. The series is set in an alternate version of the DC Universe in which Lex Luthor has turned Gotham City into a paradise known as The Garden. Characters include Supergirl, Wonder Woman, Batgirl, Big Barda, and others.[1][2]
Gotham City Garage is the second comic book series to be spun off from DC Comics' line of collectible statues. DC Bombshells, characters based on 40s-style pin-up heroines, was the first line of collectibles to be turned into a digital comic, and began publishing in 2015. The Gotham City Garage collectibles were launched in 2013, and in 2017 the characters were used to form the basis of a new digital comic series of the same name.[3][4]