Shecky Moskowitz (Adam Sandler) is a struggling comedian working on a cruise ship. Shecky gets his chance to be the ship's comedian when it is thought that the regular insult comedian, Dickie Diamond (Scott LaRose), had fallen overboard and drowned. (Dickie actually locked himself in the men's room.) Shecky is nervous about performing, but King Neptune (Billy Zane) convinces him to go for the opportunity by telling Shecky about the power of laughter. Shecky's first performance is very unsuccessful as he is booed off the stage, he is especially heckled by the construction worker Dave (Billy Bob Thornton). However, after a lecture by Milton Berle, Shecky succeeds in making the audience laugh. At that point, two terrorists sent by General Noriega come on board and want to kill Miss Australia after she insulted him. Shecky, remembering the advice about the power of laughter, saves her by promising to put the assassins in a film. Dickie pleads to God for mercy and the men's room door is unlocked; he quickly blasphemes as an insult to God and returns to his performance, but the people no longer like him. The film ends with everyone dancing over the end credits and Noriega setting off a bomb.
On Rotten Tomatoes, the film has four reviews listed, all of which are negative.[1]
David Nusair of Reel Film Reviews gave it zero out of four, and called it "...a slapdash and thoroughly amateurish piece of work that suffers from a total dearth of positive attributes."[2]
J.R. Taylor of Entertainment Weekly gave it a grade D.[3]