"Girls (and Boys) On Film" is the fifteenth episode of the fourth season of the American musical television series Glee, and the eighty-first episode overall. Written by Michael Hitchcock and directed by co-creator Ian Brennan, it aired on Fox in the United States on March 7, 2013, and features the 500th musical number filmed by Glee since its inception.
Will and New Directions serenade Emma with "In Your Eyes", and Emma admits she ran away because she feels that she doesn't know Will anymore. They agree to take their relationship slowly. Meanwhile, Jake Puckerman (Jacob Artist) admits that his Valentine's Day presents to Marley were Ryder's idea, and invites her to do pottery with him, during which he sings to her "Unchained Melody". Marley, however, is divided between him and Ryder, and confesses about Ryder kissing her, causing Jake to storm off.
In NYC, Kurt admits to Adam that he's still in love with Blaine, but wants to move on, and Adam decides to progress with their relationship, while Santana confronts Rachel about the pregnancy test that she found. Rachel breaks down in her arms, and Santana realizes Rachel might be pregnant.
In Lima, Will announces that both groups won the competition and will appear in Artie's movie, and thanks Finn for finding Emma. Finn then admits that he kissed her when she began to have a breakdown over the marriage, and an enraged Will leaves him alone, while the students gather to celebrate their shared victory with a performance of "Footloose".
The episode was written by Glee supervising producer Michael Hitchcock and directed by co-creator Ian Brennan.[1] The 500th musical number filmed for the series thus far was shot for it: "Shout" from the movie Animal House, performed by the show's glee club, New Directions.[2] The song was filmed on January 30, 2013.[3]