Volpe also produced the CG television show Green Lantern: The Animated Series, working with animation producer Bruce Timm. The series ran for 26 episodes and had a devout following, where its loyal fan base was dubbed “Fanterns”.
In January 2014, Warner Bros. Animation released JLA Adventures: Trapped in Time, which was produced and directed by Volpe. JLAATIT is a 52-minute direct-to-video movie featuring the Justice League and received critical praise for its fun factor and kid friendly tone.
In 2014, Volpe worked for Riot Games, where he helped create animated content based on wildly popular MOBA game League of Legends. The content was designed to expand upon the very fast world and character base of the game.
On February 14, 2015, Volpe launched his webcomic God of Love via his Tumblr.[1] The comic is 100% creator owned and features two elven lovers on the run when the goddess of love is replaced by an evil demon.