Genes is an Indian Tamil-language reality television game show broadcast on Zee Tamil. The show premiered in 2015 and is also available for streaming on the digital platform ZEE5. Genes is a remake of the Telugu game show of the same name, which originally aired on ETV. The format of the show revolves around contestants identifying real people by connecting them through genetic similarities.[1]
The show consists of four rounds: Same to Same, Celebrity Round, Family Tree, and Jackpot.[2]Genes was launched on 19 April 2015 and is broadcast weekly on Sundays at 8:00 PM (IST).
The show second season was launched on 18 November 2015 and aired weekly on every Sunday 8:00PM IST. The show is hosted by Tamil ActressRoja. The second season has four interesting rounds 1+1=3, Celebrity Round, Anniyan and Vilayadu Mangatha. The couple starts off the show well and play the game enthusiastically.[3]
The third season was premiered on 17 June 2018.[4] The show hosted by actressPriya Raman replacing fellow actress Roja who previously hosted the first two editions of the game show.[5]