The population in Gariaon village is 2,661 as per the survey of census during 2011 by Indian Government.[2]
There are 332 Households in Gariaon. There are 1,341 males (50%) and 1,320 females (50%).
Scheduled Cast are 749 (28%).
Total Scheduled Tribe are 0 (0% ).
Literates are 1,541 (58% ) and total Illiterates 1,120 (42%) in Gariaon.
Workers are 612 (23%), 438 are regular and 174 are Irregular.
There are 2,049 Non Workers (77%).
Gariaon is well-connected with all major cities of India thanks to Indian Railways. It has two nearby railway stations: Janghai Junction (JNH) and Badshahpur (BSE). Janghai Jn, and Badshapur railway stations are easily reachable from here.
Lal Bahadur Shastri Airport or Varanasi Airport (IATA: VNS, ICAO: VIBN) is a public airport located at Babatpur 18 km (11 mi) northwest of Varanasi, and about 80 km from Gariaon Village. It located at Jaunpur-Varanasi highway.