Gamma (solar eclipse)
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Enoch ArdenPoster teatrikal untuk Enoch ArdenSutradaraD. W. GriffithDitulis olehLinda ArvidsonAlfred Lord TennysonPemeranDorothy BernardSinematograferG. W. BitzerDistributorBiograph CompanyTanggal rilis 12 Juni 1911 (1911-06-12) (Bagian 1) 15 Juni 1911 (1911-06-15) (Bagian 2) Durasi33 menit (mengkombinasikan bagian 1 & 2)NegaraAmerika SerikatBahasaBisu dengan intertitel Inggris Enoch Arden adalah sebuah film drama bisu pendek tahun 1911 dua bagian yang berdasarkan pada p...

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This article needs additional citations for verification. Please help improve this article by adding citations to reliable sources. Unsourced material may be challenged and removed.Find sources: Leonhard Tietz – news · newspapers · books · scholar · JSTOR (July 2022) (Learn how and when to remove this template message) Flora and Leonhard Tietz Leonhard Tietz (March 3 1849 - November 14 1914) was a German department store entrepreneur and art collector ...

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Method used in statistics, pattern recognition, and other fields Not to be confused with latent Dirichlet allocation. Linear discriminant analysis (LDA), normal discriminant analysis (NDA), or discriminant function analysis is a generalization of Fisher's linear discriminant, a method used in statistics and other fields, to find a linear combination of features that characterizes or separates two or more classes of objects or events. The resulting combination may be used as a linear classifie...

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Эта страница или раздел содержит текст на языках стран Азии. Если у вас отсутствуют необходимые шрифты, некоторые символы могут отображаться неправильно. Иенг Мауликхмер. អៀង មូលី Старший министр, помощник премьер-министра Камбоджи с 2008 Министр информации Камбод...

Boston gay pride march, held annually in June Boston is a hub of LGBT culture and LGBT activism in the United States, with a rich history dating back to the election of the nation's first openly gay state representative, Elaine Noble, in 1974. The city is home to notable organizations like GLAD and Fenway Health, and it played a pivotal role in the legalization of same-sex marriage in Massachusetts. Various neighborhoods, including the South End, are known for their sizable LGBT populations,...

9th edition of the Central American and Caribbean Games Central American and Caribbean GamesHost cityKingstonCountryJamaicaEdition9thNations15Athletes1,559Sport16Opening15 August 1962 (1962-08-15)Closing28 August 1962 (1962-08-28)Opened bySir Kenneth Blackburne[1]Athlete's OathGeorge Kerr[1]Main venueNational Stadium← 1959 Caracas1966 San Juan → The ninth Central American and Caribbean Games were held in Kingston, the capital...

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King of Yugoslavia from 1921 to 1934 For other people with similar names, see Alexander of Yugoslavia (disambiguation) and Alexander of Serbia (disambiguation). Alexander IAleksandar I KarađorđevićАлександар I КарађорђевићKing of Yugoslavia[a]Reign16 August 1921 – 9 October 1934PredecessorPeter ISuccessorPeter IIPrince Regent of Serbia and the Kingdom of Serbs, Croats and SlovenesTenure24 June 1914 – 16 August 1921MonarchPeter IBorn16 December 1888 [O...

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