Ralph A. Bagnold
for his outstanding contributions in fluvial geology
Luna B. Leopold
for his contributions to the field of hydraulic geometry of rivers and his studies of the riverine environment
Walter B. Langbein
for his significant advancement of hydrology and fluviatile geology through geophysics and mathematics
John T. Hack
for his major contributions to understanding of form and characteristics of river channels as related to geologic stratigraphy
Stanley A. Schumm
for his sound, insightful contributions to the role of fluvial processes in the evolution of slopes, stream channels, and sediment production, and their practical concerns to man
John R. L. Allen
for his distinguished contributions to fluvial sedimentology and paleogeomorphology, which skillfully blends field studies of modern and ancient fluvial environments with laboratory experiments and mathematical modeling
Claudio Vita-Finzi
for his distinguished contributions to fluvial morphology in relation to climate, tectonic activity, and human history (archaeological geology), on the basis of field investigations on several continents
Thomas Dunne
for his field observations as the basis for detailed theoretical analyses of many hydro-geomorphological problems, including surface erosion, snow-melt runoff, sediment budgets for small plots, and great rivers, including the Amazon
Gary Parker
for rigorous analysis based on fundamental physical principles and laboratory experiments markedly advancing our understanding of sediment transport, river morphology, and channel behavior
Michael A. Church
for his extensive and innovative field and laboratory studies of the morphology and dynamics of natural and managed river channels at a range of scales
Alan D. Howard
for his seminal contributions on the theory of fluvial erosion, sedimentation, and landscape evolution
Kelin X. Whipple [Wikidata]
for his seminal studies on the role of fluvial incision as a key process that links climate, tectonics, and landscape evolution
Kay Behrensmeyer
For her contributions to understanding fluvial processes, how they are expressed in the rock record, and how they shape our understanding of ecological change throughout the history of life on land