Fx Goby studied animation at Supinfocom, a pioneer school in computer animation in Valenciennes. He graduated in 2006 with a short animated film En Tus Brazos, co directed with Edouard Jouret and Matthieu Landour, that toured festivals around the world[1] and won awards, including a SIGGRAPH 2007 Award of Excellence.[2]
After living in Paris for three years, he moved to London joining Nexus Productions. He formed the directing duo Fx and Mat with university friend Matthieu Landour and directed several commercials and music videos including a Coca-ColaSuper Bowl commercial in 2011. The duo split in 2012 to follow a solo career. His second short and first live action film, The Elaborate End of Robert Ebb, co directed with Clement Bolla and Matthieu Landour, won the Canal+ award at Clermont-Ferrand International Short Film Festival in 2012[3] and was subsequently purchased by the network.[4] He directed many commercials since then, a short live action film Chiante (Pest) broadcast by Channel 4[5] and a feature documentary for France 3 about Prince Philip: Le Mari de la Reine, L’inconnu de Buckingham[6] and also published a few books as an illustrator.