An Act to provide price and income protection for farmers and assure consumers of an abundance of food and fiber at reasonable prices, and for other purposes.
Passed the House of Representatives as the Agricultural Act of 1977 on July 28, 1977 (294–114)
Reported by the joint conference committee on September 9, 1977; agreed to by the Senate on September 9, 1977 (63–8) and by the House of Representatives on September 16, 1977 (283–107)
Signed into law by President Jimmy Carter on September 29, 1977
It increased price and income supports and established a farmer-owned reserve for grain. It also established a new two-tiered pricing program for peanuts. Under the peanut program, producers were given an acreage allotment on which a poundage quota was set. Growers could produce in excess of their quota, within their acreage allotment, but would receive the higher of the two price-support levels only for the quota amount. Peanuts in excess of the quota are referred to as "additionals", or additional peanuts.
Title XIII was designated the Food Stamp Act of 1977 and permanently amended the Food Stamp Act of 1964 by eliminating the purchase requirement and simplifying eligibility requirements.[2]