Flavia Damasceni Peretti, Duchess of Bracciano (1574, Rome – 14 September 1606, Republic of Florence) was an Italian noblewoman, niece of Pope Sixtus V and duchess consort of Bracciano as wife of Virginio Orsini. She is also known as the patroness of several poets, writers and musicians.
Flavia was born in 1574, Rome, as the daughter of Fabio Damasceni and Maria Felicita Peretti. She had a sister, Orsina, and two brothers, Alessandro and Michele. Her maternal grandmother was the sister of Cardinal Felice Peretti (future Pope Sixtus V, 1585–1590).[1] Cardinal Peretti adopted Flavia and her siblings, gave them his surname and took care of their education, having them raised by Lucrezia Salviati, natural daughter of Cardinal Bernardo Salviati and wife of Latino Orsini.[2] Orsina married Marcantonio Colonna, Duke of Tagliacozzo; Alessandro became Cardinal and Michele became Prince of Venafro.[3][1]
The two were married by proxy on 20 March 1589. The ceremony was celebrated by Fabio Biondi, Patriarch of Jerusalem, and the bride's dowry was 100,000 scudi.[2] At least two songs were composed for the occasion: Nelle nozze degl’ill.mi sig.ri il sig. don Verginio Orsino e la signora donna Flavia Peretta of Baldo Catani and Nelle felicissime nozze de… don Verginio Orsino… & donna Flavia Peretta of Giovanni Girolamo Fiorelli. The couple had twelve children, nine of whom survived.[3][1]
Flavia was passionate about music, singing and dancing, and she created a musical salon together with her brother Alessandro. In addition to performing herself, she hosted virtuosos such as Luca Marenzio, Vittoria Archilei and Francesco Rasi.[6] Her interests also included weaving and the art of women's hairdressing.[3]
Several compositions were dedicated to her, the work, among others, by Giovan Francesco Buoni, under the pseudonym of Academico Sfregiato; Ercole Marescotti, under the pseudonym of Hercole Filogenio; and Torquato Tasso, with the pseudonym of Uranio Felice, who dedicated her Tempio fabricato da diversi coltissimi, e nobilissimi ingegni.[3]
Camilla Orsini (29 July 1603 – post 1658). In 1619 she married Marcantonio II Borghese, Prince of Sulmona, and had a son, Paolo. After widowed in 1658, she became a nun and, after her death, she was declared venerable.[9]
Ferdinando Orsini (? – 4 March 1660). IV Duke of Bracciano. On 3 November 1610 he married Giustiniana Orsini of San Gemini and had six children: Virginio, Flavia (died in 1645), Flavio (7 November 1620 - 5 April 1698; V and last Duke of Bracciano), Lelio (1622-1696, humanist and musician), Giovanna (1624-1702, in 1644 she became nun with name Ippolita Virginia) and Ippolita.