Flaglia (stylized in all caps) is a Japanese mixed-media project created by Madoka Takadono. A musical titled Flaglia The Musical: Yukite Kaerishi Monogatari ran from February 3–9 at the Nippon Seinenkan hall in Tokyo. A six-episode anime television series by Gaina titled Flaglia: Natsuyasumi no Monogatari aired in January 2023.
A musical, titled Flaglia The Musical: Yukite Kaerishi Monogatari (FLAGLIA THE MUSICAL~ゆきてかえりし物語~) and taking place in a Middle Ages-like historical setting, ran from February 3–9 at the Nippon Seinenkan hall in Tokyo. The musical is directed by Tsuneyasu Tomoyoshi.[1]
An anime series produced by Gaina, taking place in the present day, was announced alongside the musical on October 25, 2022.[1] The anime, titled Flaglia: Natsuyasumi no Monogatari (FLAGLIA~なつやすみの物語~), is directed by Itsuro Kawasaki and written by Madoka Takadono. Original character designs are provided by Jiwataneho, while Eriko Itō adapts the designs for animation. The six-episode television series aired from January 17 to 31, 2023, on Tokyo MX. The anime's theme song "Here is" and the insert songs "Take Me Back" and "Talk About Us" are performed by The Boyz.[3]