"Feelin' Fine" is a song written by Darren Mew and originally released as a happy hardcore song in 1998 under the alias Unique. In 2003, Ultrabeat released a cover of the song with newly added lyrics as their second single; it reached number 12 on the UK Singles Chart.
Unique version
Darren Styles released this song under the alias Unique in 1998. It was a happy hardcore song and it was first released as a 12" record on UK Dance with the b-side, "Distant Skies". A Force & Styles remix was later released as the b-side to "Higher Ground". It is one of the earliest songs where Darren is the singer, and it also appeared on some hardcore compilation albums.
"Feelin' Fine" was the second single released by British electronic music group Ultrabeat. It peaked at number 12 on the UK Singles Chart. The track was available on CD and 12-inch vinyl formats. Remixes for the song were provided by CJ Stone, KB Project, Flip & Fill, Scott Brown, and by the writer and vocalist of the song, Darren Styles.