The sixth season of the Syfyreality television series Face Off premiered on January 14, 2014. The season features 15 prosthetic-makeup artists competing against each other to create makeup effects. In this season, the judges have the power to save one contestant who would normally be eliminated. The grand prize for the sixth season is a VIP trip from Kryolan to one of their 85 locations, a 2014 Fiat 500, and $100,000. Rashaad Santiago of The Bronx, New York City, New York won this season.
Reward: Immunity and choice of Spotlight challenge team to work with.
Winner: George
Spotlight Challenge: Using an image of a castle as inspiration, the contestants work in teams to create beast characters that will pose alongside beauty models.
Spotlight Challenge: In the artists' first individual challenge, they must create a human-dragon creature while using one of several damaged shields as inspiration.
Spotlight Challenge: The artists must create a robot with multiple functions and has taken over the occupation of their choice. Their robots must show a distinctive advantage over their human counterpart.
Spotlight Challenge: Each artist must create a vampire based on a specific legendary bloodsucker from a foreign culture. Their vampires will also need to be presented with a new ability that will make them unique.
Spotlight Challenge: In the second part of the previous episode's spotlight challenge, the artists must create a werewolf character that is the enemy of the vampires they have created. Their werewolves must visibly show a feature that makes them capable of killing the vampire.
Spotlight Challenge: The final three contestants will have to create two rival alien races with lighting effects that must perform a dance routine at an underground nightclub.
George - assisted by Corinne & Niko - used the constellation Cetus
Rashaad - assisted by Cat & Daran - used the constellation Ursa Major
Tyler - assisted by Chloe & Graham - used the constellation Leo