The FIRS gathered more than 100 national federations, including countries from every continent and they are affiliated with the International Skating Union.
A proposal to dissolve the federation and merge with the International Skateboarding Federation to form a new body known as World Skate was ratified in September 2017.[4] Since 2017 World Skate has organised the World Roller Games, comprising all the world roller sport disciplines as regulated by the World Skate international federation.[5]
The FIRS aimed to foster the Roller Sports movement and participation on a global scale. Its areas of responsibility were as follows:
Administration and Regulations
Organizing international competitions
Developing the movement worldwide
The authority of FIRS was recognized by the following organizations:
Each continental confederation comprises or recognizes, in turn, various national governing bodies and associations.
Skating is considered to be one of the most complete physical exercises that exist and enjoys huge popularity on a world level. According to the latest estimations, there are more than 40 million habitual users of recreational skates throughout the world.