Paul Scofield played Johnny, a slimy, small-time music promoter and talent scout who notices teenage girls going crazy for the singing and bongo playing of talentless and seemingly idiotic Herbert Rudge (played by James Kenney). Johnny rechristens Rudge as "Bongo Herbert" and signs him to a contract that gives Johnny a 50% share of the profits. With Johnny's help, Bongo rockets to stardom. Bongo's success attracts a host of sleazy music industry types intent on exploiting him. Johnny quickly finds himself outclassed in the sleaze department as Bongo turns out to be the slipperiest slime of them all.
The writers of the 1958 musical were inspired by songwriters such as Noël Coward. (David Heneker said his musical career was inspired by reading the score of Noel Coward's Bitter Sweet).[1] Their lyrics were clever, wordy and allusive: "The Gravy Train", for example, has Johnny quoting an apt line from Shakespeare's Troilus and Cressida, (Act 5, Scene X), while the unrepentant shopaholics in "We Bought It" describe themselves as "two eccentric socialites, dissipated sybarites". The tunes modulate all over the place and parody rock, Latin jazz, skiffle and trad.
Expresso Bongo opened in the West End in the same year as My Fair Lady. It did not run as long and has hardly been seen since, but its gritty cynicism, contemporary setting and pop score gained it many fans. It was voted Best British Musical of the Year in a Variety annual survey of shows on the London stage, with a ballot result far ahead of My Fair Lady, and was referred to in general as 'the other musical' to distinguish it from Lerner and Loewe's work.
List of tracks
The 1958 Original Cast Recording[3] lists the following songs and singers:
Overture: Orchestra
Don't Sell Me Down the River: James Kenney
Expresso Party: James Kenney
Nausea: Meier Tzelniker
Spoil the Child: Millicent Martin
Seriously: Millicent Martin
I Never Had It So Good: Paul Scofield
There's Nothing Wrong With British Youth Today: Ensemble
The Shrine on the Second Floor
He's Got Something for the Public: Hy Hazell & Principals
I Am: Millicent Martin
Nothing is for Nothing: Meier Tzelniker, Hy Hazell & Paul Scofield
We Bought It: Hy Hazel & Elizabeth Ashley
Time: Hy Hazell
The Gravy Train: Paul Scofield
Finale: The Company
^"David Heneker". 21 February 2018. Archived from the original on 19 October 2017. Retrieved 3 April 2018 – via
^Page 144, We Said We Wouldn't Look Back: British Musical Theatre, 1935–1960 in The Cambridge Companion to the Musical By William A. Everett and Paul R. Laird. c. 2008, Cambridge University Press.
^AEI-CD 020, The Council for Musical Theatre, c. AEI Records, 1979