Evelyn Waugh bibliography

Evelyn Waugh, circa 1940
Evelyn Waugh, circa 1940

Evelyn Waugh (1903–1966) was a British writer, journalist and reviewer, generally considered one of the leading English prose writers of the 20th century. The following lists his fiction, travel and biographical works, together with selected articles and reviews.

Juvenilia and undergraduate writing

Year Title First publication details Notes References
1910 "The Curse of the Horse Race" In Little Innocents: Childhood Reminiscenses, Dame Ethel Smyth and others. Cobden-Sanderson, London 1932 [1]
1910–14 "Fidon's Confetion" In Evelyn Waugh, Apprentice: The Early Writings, 1910–27, R.M. Davis (ed.). Pilgrim Books, Norman, Oklahoma 1985 [1]
1912 "Multa Pecunia" Appeared in The Pistol Troop Magazine, 1912. Published in Evelyn Waugh: The Complete Short Stories, Ann Pasternak Slater (ed.), Everyman's Library (David Campbell Publishers Ltd), London 1998 [1]
1916 "The World to Come: A Poem in Three Cantos" Unpublished Privately printed by Arthur Waugh in 1916 [2]
1920 Untitled: "Fragment of a Novel" In Evelyn Waugh, Apprentice: The Early Writings, 1910–27, R. M. Davis (ed.) Pilgrim Books, Norman, Oklahoma 1985 [1]
1921 "Essay" (story fragment) In Evelyn Waugh, Apprentice: The Early Writings, 1910–27, R. M. Davis (ed.), Pilgrim Books, Norman, Oklahoma 1985 [1]
1921 "The House: An Anti-Climax" In Evelyn Waugh, Apprentice: The Early Writings, 1910–27, R. M. Davis (ed.), Pilgrim Books, Norman, Oklahoma 1985 [1]
1923 "Portrait of Young Man with Career" The Isis, 30 May 1923 [1]
1923 "Antony, Who Sought Things That Were Lost" The Cherwell 1 August 1923 [1]
1923 "Antony, Who Sought Things That Were Lost" The Oxford Broom, June 1923 [1]
1923 "Edward of Unique Achievement" The Cherwell, 1 August 1923 [1]
1923 "They Dine With the Past" (fragments) The Cherwell, 15 August 1923 [1]
1923 "Conspiracy to Murder" The Cherwell 5 September 1923 [1]
1923 "Unacademic Exercise: A Nature Story" The Cherwell 19 September 1923 [1]
1923 "The National Game" The Cherwell 26 September 1923 [1]


Year Title First publication details Notes References
1924–25 The Temple at Thatch Unpublished Manuscript destroyed [3]
1928 Decline and Fall Chapman and Hall, London, 1928 Revised edition with new preface by Waugh, Chapman and Hall, London, 1962 [2]
1930 Vile Bodies Chapman and Hall, London, 1930 Revised edition with new preface by Waugh, Chapman and Hall, London, 1965 [2]
1932 Black Mischief Chapman and Hall, London, 1932 Revised edition with new preface by Waugh, Chapman and Hall, London, 1962 [2]
1934 A Handful of Dust Chapman and Hall, London, 1934 Revised edition with new preface by Waugh, Chapman and Hall, London, 1964 [4]
1938 Scoop Chapman and Hall, London, 1938 Revised edition with new preface by Waugh, Chapman and Hall, London, 1964 [4]
1939 My Father's House (first section of Work Suspended) Horizon, Vol. IV, No. 23, November 1941 Retitled "A Death" when republished as part of Work Suspended [4]
1939 Work Suspended Limited edition, 500 copies, Chapman and Hall, London 1942 Revised version Work Suspended and Other Stories Chapman and Hall, London, 1949 [4]
1942 Put Out More Flags Chapman and Hall, London 1942 Revised edition with new preface by Waugh, Chapman and Hall, London, 1967 [4]
1945 Brideshead Revisited: The Sacred and Profane Memories of Captain Charles Ryder Chapman and Hall, London, 1945 Revised edition with new preface by Waugh, Chapman and Hall, London, 1960 [4]
1948 The Loved One Chapman and Hall, London, 1948 Revised edition with new preface by Waugh, Chapman and Hall, London, 1965 [5]
1950 Helena Chapman and Hall, London, 1950 [5]
1952 Men at Arms Chapman and Hall, London, 1952 See also Sword of Honour, below [5]
1953 Love Among the Ruins Chapman and Hall, London, 1953 [5]
1955 Officers and Gentlemen Chapman and Hall, London, 1955 See also Sword of Honour, below [5]
1957 The Ordeal of Gilbert Pinfold Chapman and Hall, London, 1957 [5]
1961 Unconditional Surrender Chapman and Hall, London, 1961 See also Sword of Honour, below [5]
1965 Sword of Honour trilogy Chapman and Hall, London, 1965 Single volume version of Men at Arms, Officers and Gentlemen and Unconditional Surrender with text amendments [5]

Short fiction

Year Title First publication details Notes References
1925 "The Balance: A Yarn of the Good Old Days of Broad Trousers and High Necked Jumpers" In Alec Waugh (ed.): Georgian Short Stories, Chapman and Hall, London, 1926 [6]
1927 "A House of Gentlefolks" In Hugh Chesterman (ed.): The New Decameron, Basil Blackwell, Oxford, 1927 Originally published as "The Tutor's Tale" [6]
1930 "The Manager of 'The Kremlin'" In a series of "Real Life Stories by Famous Authors", John Bull, 15 February 1930 [6]
1932 "Love in the Slump" Harper's Bazaar, London, January 1932 Originally published as "The Patriotic Honeymoon" [6]
1932 "Too Much Tolerance" No. 7 in a series of "The Seven Deadly Sins", John Bull, 21 May 1932 [6]
1932 "Excursion in Reality" Harper's Bazaar, New York, July 1932 Originally published as "An Entirely New Angle" [6]
1932 "Incident in Azania" Windsor Magazine, December 1932 [6]
1932 "Bella Fleace Gave a Party" Harper's Bazaar, London, December 1932 [6]
1933 "Cruise" Harper's Bazaar, London, February 1933 [6]
1933 "The Man Who Liked Dickens" Hearst's International combined with Cosmopolitan, September 1933 Used as the basis for the final chapter of A Handful of Dust, 1934 [6]
1933 "Out of Depth" Harper's Bazaar, London, December 1933 Subtitled: "An Experiment begun in Shaftesbury Avenue and Ended in Time" [6]
1934 "By Special Request" Harper's Bazaar, New York, October 1934 The final episode in A Flat in London, the serialised version of A Handful of Dust [7]
1934 "Period Piece" In Mr Loveday's Little Outing and Other Sad Stories, Chapman and Hall, London, 1936 [7]
1935 "Mr Loveday's Little Outing" As "Mr Cruttwell's Little Outing" in Harper's Bazaar, New York, March 1935 [7]
1936 "Winner Takes All" Strand, March 1936 [7]
1938 "An Englishman's Home" Good Housekeeping, London, August 1939 [7]
1939 "The Sympathetic Passenger" The Daily Mail 4 May 1939 Part of the "Tight Corner" series [7]
1945 "Charles Ryder's Schooldays" The Times Literary Supplement, 5 March 1982 With introduction by Michael Sissons [7]
1946 "Scott-King's Modern Europe" (abridged) Cornhill, Summer 1947 Published as "A Sojourn in Neutralia" in Hearst's International combined with Cosmopolitan, November 1947 [7]
1947 "Tactical Exercise" "Strand", March 1947 Published as "The Wish" in Good Housekeeping, New York, March 1947 [7]
1949 "Compassion" As "The Major Intervenes" in The Atlantic, July 1949 Expanded and republished as "Compassion" in The Month, August 1949 [7]
1962 "Basil Seal Rides Again" Chapman and Hall, London, 1963 [7]

Travel writing

Year Title First publication details Notes References
1930 Labels: A Mediterranean Journal Duckworth, London, 1930 Published in US as A Bachelor Abroad, Cape, Smith, New York, 1930 [8]
1931 Remote People Duckworth, London 1931 Published in US as They Were Still Dancing, Farrar & Rinehart, New York, 1932 [8]
1934 Ninety-two Days: The Account of a Tropical Journey Through British Guiana and Part of Brazil Duckworth, London, 1934 [8]
1936 Waugh in Abyssinia Longmans, Green, & Co., London, 1936 [8]
1939 Robbery Under Law Chapman and Hall, London, 1939 Published in US as Mexico: an Object-Lesson Little, Brown, Boston, 1939 [8]
1946 When the Going Was Good Duckworth, London, 1946 An anthology from the 1930s books [8]
1952 The Holy Places Queen Anne Press, London, 1952 [8]
1960 A Tourist in Africa Chapman and Hall, London, 1960 [8]

Biography and autobiography

Year Title First publication details Notes References
1928 Rossetti: His Life and Works Duckworth, London, 1928 [8]
1935 Edmund Campion: Jesuit and Martyr Longmans, London, 1935 [8]
1959 The Life of the Right Reverend Ronald Knox Chapman and Hall, London, 1959 [8]
1964 A Little Learning: the First Volume of an Autobiography Chapman and Hall, London, 1964 [8]
1919–1965 The Diaries of Evelyn Waugh Weidenfeld & Nicolson, London, 1976 [8]
1914–1966 The Letters of Evelyn Waugh Weidenfeld & Nicolson, London, 1980 [8]

Miscellaneous works

Year Title First publication details Notes References
1947 Wine in Peace and War Privately printed by Saccone & Speed Ltd, 1947 [9]
1949 A Selection from the Occasional Sermons of The Right Reverend Monsignor Ronald Knox The Dropmore Press, London, 1949 [10]

Essays, reviews and journalism

The Essays, Articles and Reviews of Evelyn Waugh (Ed. Donat Gallagher, Methuen, London 1983) reprints the texts of more than 200 pieces by Waugh, published in the period 1917 to 1965. More than 300 further titles are listed but not reprinted.[11] In his Life of Evelyn Waugh, Douglas Lane Patey provides a list of the more significant pieces.[12]

  • 1917: "In Defence of Cubism" (Drama and Design, November 1917); Waugh's first published article
  • 1921: "The Youngest Generation"
  • 1926: "P.R.B."
  • 1929: "The War and the Younger Generation" (Spectator, 13 April 1929)
  • 1930: "Converted to Rome" (Daily Express, 20 October 1930)
  • 1930: "Ethiopia Today: Romance and reality" (The Times, 22 December 1930)
  • 1932: "Why Glorify Youth?" (Woman's Journal, March 1932)
  • 1933: An Open Letter to the Cardinal Archbishop of Westminster"
  • 1941: "Commando Raid on Bardia"
  • 1946: "Fan Fare" (Life, 8 April 1946)
  • 1946: "What to do with the Upper Classes" (Town and Country, September 1946)
  • 1947: "Why Hollywood is a Term of Disparagement" (The Daily Telegraph, 30 April 1947)
  • 1947: "Death in Hollywood"
  • 1949: "Come Inside" (in The Road to Damascus, ed. John A. O'Brien, New York and London 1949)
  • 1949: "The American Epoch in the Catholic Church" (Life [Chicago], 19 September 1949)
  • 1952: "Our Guest of Dishonour" (Sunday Express 30 November 1952)
  • 1953: "Mr Waugh Replies" (Spectator, 3 July 1953)
  • 1955: "Awake My Soul! It is a Lord" (Spectator, 8 July 1955)
  • 1957: "Anything Wrong with Priestley?" (Spectator, 13 September 1957)
  • 1959: "I See Nothing but Boredom...Everywhere" (Daily Mail, 28 December 1959)
  • 1961: "An Act of Homage and Reparation to P. G. Wodehouse" (Radio broadcast, BBC, 15 July 1961; Printed in Sunday Times, 16 July 1961)
  • 1962: "Sloth" (Sunday Times, 7 January 1962 in The Seven Deadly Sins series)
  • 1962: "Eldorado Revisited" (National Review 9 October 1962)
  • 1962: "The Same Again, Please" (Spectator, 23 November 1962)


  1. ^ a b c d e f g h i j k l m n Slater (ed,) pp, x and 595
  2. ^ a b c d Stannard, Vol. II p. 496
  3. ^ Stannard, Vol. I, p. 112
  4. ^ a b c d e f Stannard, Vol. II p. 497
  5. ^ a b c d e f g h Stannard, Vol. II, p. 498
  6. ^ a b c d e f g h i j k Slater (ed.) p. 593
  7. ^ a b c d e f g h i j k Slater (ed.), p. 594
  8. ^ a b c d e f g h i j k l m n Stannard, Vol I pp. 505–07
  9. ^ Patey, pp. 258 & 395
  10. ^ Patey, p. 408
  11. ^ Gallagher, pp. 640–50
  12. ^ Patey, pp. ix–x


  • Gallagher, Donat, ed. (1983). The Essays, Articles and Reviews of Evelyn Waugh. London: Methuen. ISBN 0-413-50370-4.
  • Patey, Douglas Lane (1998). The Life of Evelyn Waugh. Oxford: Blackwell. ISBN 0-631-18933-5.
  • Pasternak Slater, Ann, ed. (1998). Evelyn Waugh: The Complete Short Stories. London: Everyman's. ISBN 1-85715-190-9.
  • Stannard, Martin (1993). Evelyn Waugh, Volume I: The Early Years 1903–39. London: Flamingo. ISBN 0-586-08678-1.
  • Stannard, Martin (1993). Evelyn Waugh, Volume II: No Abiding City 1939–1966. London: Flamingo. ISBN 0-586-08680-3.

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