The EUPM aimed to help in establishing a sustainable, professional and multi-ethnic police force. It assisted the local police, fighting large-scale organised crime and helping with police reform.
EUPM, the first mission launched under the Common Security and Defence Policy, was launched on 1 January 2003 for an initial period of three years. Following an invitation by the Bosnian authorities, the EU decided to establish a follow-on police mission with a modified mandate and size. EUPM II lasted for two years (from 1 January 2006 until 31 December 2007). It monitored, advised and inspected BiH police forces according to three main pillars, i.e. support to the police reform process, strengthening of police accountability and supporting the fight against organised crime.
At the end of 2007 the EU Police Mission was extended for another two years (from 1 January 2008 to 31 December 2009). During those two years, the mission continued its work with regard to the three same pillars, with particular emphasis on the fight against organised crime. EUPM also devoted particular attention to reinforcing cooperation between police and prosecutors.