The story revolves around the lives of Sruthy, A simple, optimistic, and middle-class girl from rural Palakkad and Ashwin, A rich, arrogant, and successful business tycoon. Their paths collide when Sruthy accidentally interferes with one of Ashwin's business, leading him to believe she is responsible for sabotaging it. This misunderstanding sets the stage for a series of clashes and confrontations between the two, fueled by Ashwin's anger and Sruthy's determination to prove her innocence.[7]
However, as their interactions continue, a spark ignites between them, despite their contrasting personalities and social backgrounds. Aswin finds himself drawn to Sruthy's positive outlook and unwavering spirit, while Sruthy sees beneath his gruff exterior to the vulnerable man he hides.[8]
Their journey is filled with challenges, misunderstandings, and betrayals, testing the strength of their bond. They must overcome societal pressures, family conflicts, and their own personal demons to finally confess their love for each other.[9]
A launch event of the show along with another TV series Chempaneer Poovu was held at Kozhikode. The event was broadcast on Asianet on 28 January 2024 a day before the show's launch.[10][11][12]