Errors of the Human Body is a 2012 psychological thriller directed by Eron Sheean and starring Michael Eklund.
Dr. Geoff Burton (Eklund), a brilliant genetics researcher, is invited to a lab in Dresden, only to discover a lethal virus is being created, which he may have unintentionally caused and be its first victim. This mystery is set against Dr. Burton trying to find redemption and peace from a past haunted by the death of his infant son.[1]
While showing a short film at Berlinale in 2006, Sheean met a scientist from the Max Planck Institute of Molecular Cell Biology and Genetics, the brother of cinematographer Anna Howard, who became director of photography on the film.[2] He developed the feature while serving as an artist in residency for over six years at the institute in Dresden. Sheean said in an interview, "I managed to convince them to let me develop a feature film based around the institute and some of their bizarre and fascinating research projects. It’s not a documentary – it’s a fiction film with some real science as the jumping-off point for the story."[3]
During its tour of the festival circuit the film received mostly positive reviews, especially around Eklund's performance. Gabriel Ruzin of Screen Invasion wrote, "Errors of the Human Body is elevated by a sublime turn by star Michael Eklund... His agony, particularly in the third act, is brilliantly painful. Despite the screenplay skimming over his character’s supposed scientific prowess, to the film’s moderate detriment, Eklund’s powerful performance is nonetheless tragic and captivating."[6] Michael Treveloni of Film School Rejects noted, "The film is a not just a science-fiction horror story: it is a commentary on the importance of dialog, showcasing the need for communication in its many forms. With Geoff, Errors presents the perfect, damaged subject.".[7] At the Fantastic Fest screening, Sheean himself said, "The film is about a breakdown in communication, both on the surface in the characters and internally with the cells."[8]