The series originally premiered in 2012, with an anthology of 8 documentaries surrounding the Canadian Football League and the Grey Cup, in honour of its centennial edition. In 2019, TSN revived the series with a new season of 6 documentaries beginning February 6, 2019, now focusing on notable figures and stories in all of Canadian sport.[1]
A profile of the Saskatchewan Roughriders, including their loyal fanbase, and their near-victory at the 97th Grey Cup in 2009—foiled by a late-game comeback by the Montreal Alouettes, and a penalty against the Riders that would cost them the game.
Despite a successful season where he became the first Canadian-born MVP in Major League Baseball history, Larry Walker loses the 1997 Lou Marsh Trophy for Canadian athlete of the year to Formula One driver Jacques Villeneuve (who won the drivers' championship that season), prompting him to question whether Villeneuve actually displayed any athleticism by driving.
Boone, Mike (2 June 2012). "Film offers unique perspective; Trudeau helped kick off 1969 Grey Cup game during the middle of Quebec's FLQ Crisis". Montreal Gazette.
Edmonds, Scott (27 June 2012). "Tube stakes are higher in 100th Grey Cup year." Hamilton Spectator.
Jones, Terry (16 August 2012). "Capturing the magic; Eskimos Western Swagger documentary part of eight-part CFL series that celebrates the 100th Grey Cup". Edmonton Sun.
Lees, Nick (18 July 2012). "We all scream for ice cream". Edmonton Journal.
MacKinnon, John. "Proud to be a team player". Edmonton Journal.
Mitchell, Bob (8 May 2012). "Engraved on a Nation; A new series of docs celebrates the rich, 100-year history of the Grey Cup and its place in our national heritage". Toronto Star
Mitchell, Bob (7 July 2012). "Ex-Argo Theisman still sore about '71". Toronto Star.
Mitchell, Bob (8 July 2012). "The wrong turn that won't go away". Toronto Star.
Mitchell, Bob (22 August 2012). "Stampeder's hike honours grandfather". Toronto Star.
Odland, Kristen (27 September 2012). "Patience close to paying off for offensive lineman Harrison". Calgary Herald.
Ralph, Dan (5 May 2012). "CFL will go deep with Grey Cup documentaries".Hamilton Spectator.
Stinson, Scott (5 May 2012). "TSN, CFL hope project lights a torch".National Post.
Vanstone, Rob (4 May 2012). "TSN unveils plans for CFL documentaries". Regina Leader-Post.