Development of energy economics theory over the last two centuries can be attributed to three main economic subjects – the rebound effect, the energy efficiency gap and more recently, 'green nudges'.
While energy efficiency is improved with new technology, expected energy savings are less-than proportional to the efficiency gains due to behavioural responses.[2] There are three behavioural sub-theories to be considered: the direct rebound effect, which anticipates increased use of the energy service that was improved; the indirect rebound effect, which considers an increased income effect created by savings then allowing for increased energy consumption, and; the economy-wide effect, which results from an increase in energy prices due to the newly developed technology improvements.[5]
Suboptimal investment in improvement of energy efficiency resulting from market failures/barriers prevents the optimal use of energy.[6] From an economical standpoint, a rational decision-maker with perfect information will optimally choose between the trade-off of initial investment and energy costs. However, due to uncertainties such as environmental externalities, the optimal potential energy efficiency is not always able to be achieved, thus creating an energy efficiency gap.
While the energy efficiency gap considers economical investments, it does not consider behavioural anomalies in energy consumers. Growing concerns surrounding climate change and other environmental impacts have led to what economists would describe as irrational behaviours being exhibited by energy consumers. A contribution to this has been government interventions, coined "green nudges’ by Thaler and Sustein (2008),[7] such as feedback on energy bills. Now that it is realised people do not behave rationally, research into energy economics is more focused on behaviours and impacting decision-making to close the energy efficiency gap.[2]
Economic factors
Due to diversity of issues and methods applied and shared with a number of academic disciplines, energy economics does not present itself as a self-contained academic discipline, but it is an applied subdiscipline of economics. From the list of main topics of economics, some relate strongly to energy economics:
Energy economics also draws heavily on results of energy engineering, geology, political sciences, ecology etc. Recent focus of energy economics includes the following issues:
International Association for Energy Economics (IAEE) is an international non-profit society of professionals interested in energy economics. IAEE was founded in 1977, during the period of the energy crisis. IAEE is incorporated under United States laws and has headquarters in Cleveland.
The IAEE operates through a 17-member Council of elected and appointed members. Council and officer members serve in a voluntary position.
IAEE has over 4,500 members worldwide (in over 100 countries). There are more than 25 national chapters, in countries where membership exceeds 25 individual members. Some of the regularly active national chapters of the IAEE are; USAEE - United States; GEE - Germany; BIEE - Great Britain; AEE - France; AIEE - Italy.
The International Association for Energy Economics publishes three publications throughout the year:
The IAEE conferences address critical issues of vital concern and importance to governments and industries and provide a forum where policy issues are presented, considered and discussed at both formal sessions and informal social functions.
IAEE typically holds five Conferences each year. The main annual conference for IAEE is the IAEE International Conference which is organized at diverse locations around the world. From the year 1996 on these conferences have taken place (or will take place) in the following cities: