An absurdist comedy, the film centers on the story of a mother and daughter facing eviction in post-crisis Spain and scamming their way to a more comfortable lifestyle. The film is loosely based on the real-life Spanish mother-daughter petty-crime duo Justina and Ana Belén.[4]
Ulman wrote, produced, and directed the feature, which stars herself and her mother in the latter's debut performance on the silver screen.[4] The film was shot in black and white in Gijón, the Spanish town where Ulman grew up.[7]
The film had its premiere in the 2021 Sundance Film Festival on January 30, 2021, in the World Cinema Dramatic Competition section.[8]
On March 17, 2021, Utopia acquired the US distribution rights to the film.[7] On July 16, 2021, Static Vision announced their acquisition of the Australian and New Zealand rights to the film.[9]
As of May 2022[update]review aggregator website Rotten Tomatoes surveyed 41 critics and, categorizing the reviews as positive or negative, assessed 39 as positive and 2 as negative for a 95% rating. Among the reviews, it determined an average rating of 7.5 out of 10.[11]
It won critical acclaim at its Sundance screening.[12][13]
El Planeta has been nominated for and won a number of awards. Wins have included:[14]