The show combines interviews with actors, musicians, and other celebrities with reports on their comings and goings. The show appears weekdays on the Spanish-language television network Univision. It is filmed in the network's studios in Miami, Florida. at Newsport Building 8551 NW 30th Terrace, Doral,FL 33122
For many years, the show also featured an in-house coffee maker who appeared several times on Live TV, Marta Martin Carrera-Ruiz, known to show viewers as "Martica la del Cafe", but had left the show & Univision in 2018, and later died in 2021.[3][4]
The correspondents for the show are Gelena Solano from New York City, Oscar Petit, Clarissa Molina and Daniela Di Giacomo from Miami, Tanya Charry, Maria Hurtado and David Valadez from Los Angeles and Elizabeth Curiel from Mexico City.[5]