Doubtful (Hebrew: Mutalim Besafek) is a 2017 Israeli social drama film, written and directed by Eliran Elya, produced by Oren Rogovin, starring Ran Danker, as Assi, screenwriter and a poet, sentenced to community service as a juvenile delinquency teacher.[2] The film was screened at the Jerusalem Film Festival 2017 and won two awards: Best First Film, Best Cinematography to Shai Goldman, and honorary mention for his performance to Adar Hazazi.[2]Doubtful was nominated for nine Ophir Awards, including Best Actor, Best Director, and Best Film.[3][4] The film produced following the support of the Israeli Film Fund, Yes, and Gesher Multicultural Film Fund.[2]
The film is based on actual events, took place in the director's life, Eliya played by Danker. The juvenile actors have no former experience, it's their debut cinematic appearance.[5][6]
Following a motorcycle accident, Assi (Ran Danker), screenwriter and poet from Tel Aviv, sentence to community service as a cinema teacher in a development town in southern Israel. His student are a juvenile delinquency. At the beginning, Assi find it difficult to communicate with the boys, but due to his uncompromising efforts, he paved a way to their heart. Assi develop close relationship with Eden (Adar Hazazi Gersch), young man who collect bottles for recycling in order to fulfill a dream. Assi try to help Eden break through the boundaries of his life.