The Direct Democracy Party (DDP) of New Zealand (2005–2009) was a political party in New Zealand that promoted greater participation by the people in the decision-making of government. The party's leader was Kelvyn Alp.
The party challenged the current monetary system and promoted solutions to what it called "irredeemable debt."[1] It aimed to establish a system of binding referendums (similar to the Landsgemeinde used in parts of Switzerland) for all major decisions.[2] The party also advocated for a New Zealand Constitution to protect and enshrine the rights and freedoms of the people.[3]
In 2005 the Direct Democracy Party was registered as a political party.[4] It fielded 32 party members in the 2005 elections, and won 782 votes (or 0.03% of the total vote), failing to get any MPs into parliament.[5]
The party did not apply for broadcasting funding in 2008,[6] nor did it submit a party list. The official results for the party vote in that year's election recorded no votes for the DDP.[7]
The party's registration was cancelled at its own request on 30 June 2009.[8]