Village in Karnataka, India
Devalkunda is a village in the Kundapur taluk of Udupi district. As of 2011, Devalkunda has a total population of 1766 people consisting of 994 male and 129 female residents. The village occupies a total area of 542.35 hectares with a population density of 3.256 people per hectare. As of 2011, the total literacy rate was 77.18% which was higher than the national average of 59.5%.[1]
As of 2011, Devalkunda has an employment rate of over 34.26%, 48.76% of whom are employed over 183 days in a year.[1]
Ammonia leak
In 2019, the Malpe Fresh Marine plant, a fish storage facility located in Devalkunda suffered a leak in ammonia gas that led to over 74 labourers falling seriously ill[2]
See also