"Deteriorata" is a comedy record released as a single in 1972. It is a parody of Les Crane's 1971 spoken word recording of "Desiderata", the early 20th-century poem by Max Ehrmann. ("Desiderata" is Latin for "desired things"; "deteriorata" is a portmanteau of the verb "deteriorate" and "desiderata".)
"Deteriorata" appeared on the lower reaches of the Billboard magazine charts for a few weeks in late 1972, peaking as high as No. 91 on the Billboard Hot 100 Charts.[1] The parody gained some significance and popularity as a frequent presentation on the Dr. Demento radio show.[2][3]
Les Crane himself later admitted that he preferred the parody version over his Grammy-winning recording of the original poem.[4]
Cultural references
The song incorporates several catchphrases and news items of the era:
"Consider that two wrongs never make a right, but three do." A play on directional logic and the double meaning of the word "right.".
"Remember the Pueblo", a bumper sticker slogan honoring the crew of the USS Pueblo, held hostage by North Korea in 1968.[5]
"Strive at all times to bend, fold, spindle and mutilate", parodies a caution printed on punched cards, particularly those used as government checks, in the mid-20th century.[6]
"Take heart amid the deepening gloom that your dog is finally getting enough cheese", making fun of a Gaines-Burgers dog food advertising campaign, which asked, "Is your dog getting enough cheese in his diet?"[7]