Detective Karthik is a 2023 Indian Telugu-language thriller film Produced by Ashok Reddy Tatiparthi[1] and co-produced By Pardhu Reddy under the banner of Reading Lamp Creations and One Media Et Pvt Ltd. Directed and written by Venkat Narendra,[2] it starred Rajath Raghav, Goldie Nissy, Abhilash Bandari, Sruthymol, Anusha Nuthula, Hasini Rai,and Madee. The score was composed by Marcus M. Detective Karthik was theatrically released on 21 July 2023.[3][4]
Rishitha, a brilliant high school student, is murdered. Private detective Sandhya and her assistant Pallavi lead the investigation. Meanwhile, Karthik, who has a crush on Sandhya, decides to follow her around and discovers that Sandhya has been missing for three days. Karthik takes on the murder case, believing it is connected to Sandhya's disappearance. After twists and turns, he closes the murder case but is unable to locate Sandhya. He takes a different approach and begins deducing Sandhya's disappearance from a different angle.[5]
A critic from Sakshi wrote that the film is an impressive crime thriller.[6] A critic from The Hans India rated the film two-and-a-half out of five stars and wrote that "Director Venkat Narendra makes wise story and character choices, addressing relevant issues today’s youth face".[7]